We inspire the birth of aspirational, lasting design solutions that blend the best of technology, craft, and humanness.
Let’s daydream, together!
Bespoke metaverse
shopping experiences
Digital product catalogs
Virtual e-commerce
Reviri Studios
Aspirational, luxury inspired metaverse environments to showcase your products & experiences.
Reviri Homes
Curated insights & wellness inspired smart home designs for aspirational living, health & wellbeing.
Reviri Homes
Curated insights & wellness inspired smart home designs for aspirational living, health & wellbeing.
As brand catalysts for inspired living, we design & create physical and digital 3D spaces that uplift your brand offering to have future appeal. We gather insights from the worlds top think tanks and trend forecasters to create a point of view that we translate into a design concept.
Our areas of innovation position us to help you amplify your brand & business. Our focus includes:
• wellness inspired spaces
• digital escapes
• sustainable luxury
• aspirational living
We are brand catalysts. Bringing daydreams to life.
It all begins with a daydream.
Reviri began with an idea to deliver extraordinary insights and aspirational design solutions.
Our name is inspired by the origin word, reverie (“a state of being pleasantly lost in one’s thoughts; a daydream”).
Our foresight and brand development services help companies and lifestyle brands reorient their future portfolio, equipping them to make better designs, better solutions and better experiences for their clients and guests from all walks of life. Our mission is to inspire the birth of aspirational, lasting design solutions that blend the best of technology, craft, and humanness.
est. 2022. Seattle, WA